Showing posts with label Pervez Musharraf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pervez Musharraf. Show all posts

Sunday 21 April 2013

Saturday 23 March 2013

Pakistani Taliban threaten to assassinate Musharraf


ISLAMABAD: The Pakistani Taliban have threatened to use suicide bombers and snipers to kill former president Pervez Musharraf when he returns home from exile.
Speaking to, TTP spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan said the group had set up squads of suicide bombers to assassinate Musharraf.

“Suicide bombers are being trained and assigned to assassinate” the former president, Ehsan said.
Moreover, Adnan Rasheed, who took part in a previous attempt to assassinate Musharraf, has been given the charge of these suicide squads.
Rasheed is a former junior technician of Pakistan Air Force who was on death row after getting convicted by a field general court martial for engineering an attack on Musharraf in December 2003. He was among the prisoners who had escaped during the April 15, 2012 Bannu jail break.
Musharraf angered the Taliban and other groups by joining the US war on terror following the September 11 attacks and later launching a major crackdown on militancy in Pakistan.
Musharraf is due to return to Pakistan on Sunday from Dubai, after nearly four years of self-imposed exile, in time to take part in parliamentary elections on May 11.

